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340 €
27 Ballen/Pal.
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Unit price:
330 €
27 Ballen/Pal.
Plus Minus


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Quantity ():
Unit price:
360 €
27 Ballen/Pal.
Plus Minus
Quantity ():
Unit price:
350 €
27 Ballen/Pal.
Plus Minus

Hungary - Budapest

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Unit price:
99900 Ft
27 zsák/raklap
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Littering In Horse boxes

Littering In Horse boxes
Most of horse boxes are measuring 12 m2, but there are several boxes of 9 and not less than 16 m2. To our knowledge, a 9 m2-sized box requires two bales for the basic bedding, the 12 m2 box requires 3 bales, while the 16 m2 requires 4 bales of hippo gold bedding. Bedding should be distributed evenly so as to form a layer (high of approx. 8-10cm). The Hippo gold layer can not be removed by the horse. The layer is kept  and does not form wet areas on the flooring of the stall. In the early days  only horse manure should be removed because urine helps to strengthen the fresh and fluffy litter. After one or two days, urine stain will also be removed – due to the high absorbing force of hippo gold, urine is kept on the litter (bedding), forming a dark spot which can be easily removed with a fork. The removed litter will be replaced with ¼ or 1/3 of hippo gold bale - that means that in one week they only need 1 max. 2 bales (larger box, dirty horse) is filled with hippo gold. If calculated as such, a hippo gold pallet is enough for a horse for approx. 6 months.

Important is that all litter should not be ever removed, only if another horse is introduced into the horse box! The bottom layer forms a great manure due to the high absorbing force of high hippo gold, ammonia is very well bound and highly processed by microorganisms, so there are no bad odors in the stable, thus creating an optimal climate.

Littering horse boxes with rubber mats
Hippo gold works very well with rubber mats. Although hippo gold has very good insulating properties, it manages to ensure even without rubber mats a very good temperature and a confortable, soft, but tough  ground for horses' hooves. A 5cm-high hippo gold layer may very well absorb urine. But dirty litter must be removed.


Littering In Horse boxes

Littering In Horse boxes

Most of horse boxes are measuring 12 m2, but there are several boxes of 9 and not less than 16 m2. To our knowledge, a 9…

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Do horses eat the hippo gold bedding?

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